The Big Horn County Historical Museum provides a variety of educational opportunities and school programs.
- Guided and self-guided tours – Please contact us for more information
- Historical Programs – See “What’s Happening” section on home page
- Scavenger Hunts – Geared toward our young guests. Inquire at front desk
- Out-Reach Programs – Contact us for availability
- Research – Extensive library and archives. Please call for an appointment
- Kid’s History Day – An educational event offered annually the 3rd Thursday in May to area schools. Volunteers offer hands-on-activities geared toward 4th grade students. Our activities provide young people an opportunity to experience life as it was in the mid-1900s. Activities include: Churning butter, Indian Hand games, quilting, rope making, cow milking, laundry, and much, much more. Due to the popularity of this event, schools are encouraged to call and make reservations to participate.

Learn more about the area and it’s history:
Big Horn County:
Established in 1865, Big Horn County offers you rich history, such as Custer’s last stand at the Little Bighorn Battlefield and Visitors Center.
Big Horn River and the Little Horn River:
As you come into Hardin, the Bighorn is met up by the Little Bighorn and then travels into the Yellowstone River. As the Little Bighorn heads north, it runs through the Crow Indian Reservation and past the villages of Wyola and Crow Agency, and the town of Lodge Grass.
Crow Reservation:
The Crow Indian Reservation spans 2.2 million acres and is the largest in the state of Montana. It is located along the northern border of Wyoming and sits about 10 miles southeast from the city of Billings.
George Armstrong Custer:
George Armstrong Custer was born in 1839 in New Rumbley, Ohio and was sent out to southeast Montana in 1876. Eventually his mission was to be part of a three-pronged attack on a large tribe of nomadic Native Americans, encamped along the Little Bighorn River.
Little Big Horn Battlefield National Monument:
The original name of the actual battlefield was Custer Battlefield. In 1991, President George H.W. Bush made sure that homage was given to both the Native Americans and the 7th Cavalry, by renaming the site Little Bighorn Battlefield. Also, in 2003, a special memorial was dedicated to honor the Indian warriors who also fought valiantly and sacrificed their lives.